1000.524—What are HUD's performance measures for the review?
HUD has the authority to develop performance measures which the recipient must meet as a condition for compliance under NAHASDA. The performance measures are:
Within 2 years of grant award under NAHASDA, no less than 90 percent of the grant must be obligated.
The recipient has complied with the required certifications in its IHP and all policies and the IHP have been made available to the public.
Fiscal audits have been conducted on a timely basis and in accordance with the requirements of the Single Audit Act, as applicable. Any deficiencies identified in audit reports have been addressed within the prescribed time period.
The recipient has met the IHP goals and objectives in the 1-year plan and demonstrated progress on the 5-year plan goals and objectives.
The recipient has substantially complied with the requirements of 24 CFR part 1000 and all other applicable Federal statutes and regulations.