The MTMC has the responsibility for determining the eligibility of proposed improvements for financing with defense access roads funds. The evaluation report will be furnished to MTMC for its use in making the determination of eligibility and certification of importance to the national defense. The criteria upon which MTMC will base its determination of eligibility are included in the Federal-Aid Highway Program Manual, Volume 6, Chapter 9, Section 5, Attachment 2. 1
Code of Federal Regulations
Footnote(s): 1 This document is available for inspection and copying from the FHWA headquarters and field offices as prescribed by 49 CFR part 7 , appendix D.
If the project is determined to be eligible for financing either in whole or in part with defense access road funds, MTMC will certify the project as important to the national defense and will authorize expenditure of defense access road funds. The Commander, MTMC, is the only representative of the DOD officially authorized to make the certification required by section 210, title 23, U.S.C., in behalf of the Secretary of Defense.