Each State Highway Safety Agency shall:
Develop and prepare the Highway Safety Plan prescribed by volume 102 of the Highway Safety Program Manual ( 23 CFR 1204.4, Supplement B), based on evaluation of highway accidents and safety problems within the State.
Provide information and assistance to prospective aid recipients on program benefits, procedures for participation, and development of plans.
Encourage and assist local units of government to improve their highway safety planning and administration efforts.
Review the implementation of State and local highway safety plans and programs, regardless of funding source, and evaluate the implementation of those plans and programs funded under 23 U.S.C. 402.
Monitor the progress of activities and the expenditure of section 402 funds contained in the State's approved Highway Safety Plan.
Assure that independent audits are made of the financial operations of the State Highway Safety Agency and of the use of section 402 funds by any subrecipient.
Coordinate the State Highway Safety Agency's Highway Safety Plan with other federally and non-federally supported programs relating to or affecting highway safety.