96.101—Notification of temporary accreditation decisions.

(a) The accrediting entity must notify agencies of its temporary accreditation decisions on the uniform notification date to be established by the Secretary pursuant to § 96.58(a). On that date, the accrediting entity must inform each applicant and the Secretary in writing whether the agency has been granted temporary accreditation. The accrediting entity may not provide any information about its temporary accreditation decisions to any agency or to the public until the uniform notification date. If the Secretary requests information on the interim or final status of an agency prior to the uniform notification date, the accrediting entity must provide such information to the Secretary.
(b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a) of this section, the accrediting entity may, in its discretion, communicate with agencies about the status of their pending applications for temporary accreditation for the sole purpose of affording them an opportunity to correct deficiencies that may hinder their temporary accreditation. When informed by an accrediting entity that an agency has been temporarily accredited, the Secretary will take appropriate steps to ensure that relevant information about a temporarily accredited agency is provided to the Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference on Private International Law.