9.5—Original classification authority.

(a) Authority for original classification of information as Top Secret may be exercised by the Secretary and those officials delegated this authority in writing by the Secretary. Such authority has been delegated to the Deputy Secretary, the Under Secretaries, Assistant Secretaries and other Executive Level IV officials and their deputies; Chiefs of Mission, Charge d'Affaires, and Principal Officers at autonomous posts abroad; and to other officers within the Department as set forth in Department Notice dated May 26, 2000.
(b) Authority for original classification of information as Secret or Confidential may be exercised only by the Secretary, the Senior Agency Official, and those officials delegated this authority in writing by the Secretary or the Senior Agency Official. Such authority has been delegated to Office Directors and Division Chiefs in the Department, Section Heads in Embassies and Consulates abroad, and other officers within the Department as set forth in Department Notice dated May 26, 2000. In the absence of the Secret or Confidential classification authority, the person designated to act for that official may exercise that authority.