
(a) Regulatory authorities. (1) These regulations are issued to implement the Federal Advisory Committee Act, Pub. L. 92-463, which became effective January 5, 1973, and Office of Management and Budget Circular No. A-63 of March 27, 1974. These regulations also are in accordance with Executive Order 11769 of February 21, 1974, and the responsibilities of the Secretary of State under 22 U.S.C. 2656.
(2) These regulations apply to any advisory committee which provides advice to the Department of State or any officer of the Department. However, to the extent that an advisory committee is subject to particular statutory provisions, which are inconsistent with the Federal Advisory Committee Act, these regulations do not apply.
(b) Delegated authority. (1) The Deputy Under Secretary for Management has been designated by the Secretary (Delegation of Authority No. 125 signed November 7, 1972) to have full responsibility for the Committee Management function.
(2) The Advisory Committee Management Officer in the Management Systems Staff administers the Committee Management Program for the Deputy Under Secretary for Management.