
Notification and subsequent changes are made as follows:
(a) Diplomatic and career consular officers and their dependents: Form DSP-110, Notification of Appointment of Foreign Diplomatic Officer and Career Consular Officer ;
(b) All other foreign government employees who are serving at diplomatic missions, consular posts, or miscellaneous foreign government offices and their dependents: Form DSP-111, Notification of Appointment of Foreign Government Employee.
(c) Honorary consular officers: Form DSP-112, Notification of Appointment of Honorary Consular Officer.
(d) Missions should use Form DSP-113, Notification of Change—Identification Card Request, to promptly inform the Department of State of any change in the status of officers or employees of the missions and their family members originally reported to Protocol, or to apply for an identification card.
(e) Upon termination of employment of any diplomatic or consular officer, honorary consular officer, embassy or consular employee, or miscellaneous foreign government staff member, a Form DSP-115, Notice of Termination of Diplomatic, Consular, or Foreign Government Employment, must be submitted to the Office of Protocol.