228.13—Special source rules requiring procurement from the United States.
Agricultural commodities and products thereof must be procured in the United States if the domestic price is less than parity, unless the commodity cannot reasonably be procured in the United States in fulfillment of the objectives of a particular assistance program under which such commodity procurement is to be financed. (22 U.S.C. 2354 )
Motor vehicles must be manufactured in the United States to be eligible for USAID financing. Also, any vehicle to be financed by USAID under a long-term lease or where the sale is to be guaranteed by USAID must be manufactured in the United States. (22 U.S.C. 2396) For purposes of this section, motor vehicles are defined as self-propelled vehicles with passenger carriage capacity, such as highway trucks, passenger cars and buses, motorcycles, scooters, motorized bicycles and utility vehicles. Excluded from this definition are industrial vehicles for materials handling and earthmoving, such as lift trucks, tractors, graders, scrapers, off-the-highway trucks (such as off-road dump trucks) and other vehicles that are not designed for travel at normal road speeds (40 kilometers per hour and above).
Pharmaceutical products must be manufactured in the United States in order to be eligible for USAID financing. USAID shall not finance any pharmaceutical product manufactured outside the United States if the manufacture of such product in the United States would involve the use of, or be covered by, a valid patent of the United States unless such manufacture is expressly authorized by the owner of such patent. (22 U.S.C. 2356 )