214.43—Agency records.
The A.I.D. Advisory Committee Management Office maintains the Agency's Official central files on the nature functions, and operations of each A.I.D. advisory committee. Central files contain the following information with respect to each A.I.D. advisory committee:
Official records copy of formal determinations by the A.I.D. Administrator with respect to the establishment renewal, operation, and termination of the committee;
Each A.I.D. Advisory Committee Representative maintains individual advisory committee files at a location known to the A.I.D. Advisory Committee Management Officer. These files contain the following information:
Fiscal records which fully disclose the disposition of any funds made available to the committee;
Advisory committee records described above in § 214.36(b) (i.e., the reports, transcripts, minutes, appendices, and other documents which were made available to, or prepared for or by, the committee).
The A.I.D. Advisory Committee Management Officer, the A.I.D. Auditor General, the OMB Secretariat, and the Comptroller General shall have access to these records.
Personnel documentation required by CSC and Agency regulations shall be maintained in the official personnel records of the Office of Personnel and Manpower.