19.6-3—Application for payment.
To receive payment from the Fund pursuant to a court award, the beneficiary must submit an application in writing to the Chief of the Retirement Division (PER/ER/RET), Department of State, Washington, DC 20520. The application must be typed or printed, signed by the beneficiary, and include—
Full name and date of birth of the participant or former participant and his/her date of birth or other identifying information;
Relationship to the beneficiary, and if a spouse or former spouse, date of marriage to and/or divorce from the participant;
The original of the court order or a recently certified copy must be enclosed with the application, or a statement appended that such a copy has been sent to the Department by other means.
When payments are subject to termination upon the occurrence of a condition subsequent, such as marriage, remarriage or termination of schooling, or death of the principal, no payment will be made until the beneficiary submits a statement to PER/ER/RET that—
He/she will notify the Department (PER/ER/RET) within 15 calendar days of the occurrence of the condition subsequent; and
He/she will be personally liable for any overpayment to him/her resulting from the occurrence of the condition subsequent. PER/ER/RET may require periodic recertification of these statements.