171.41—Covered employees.

(a) Officers and employees (including special Government employees as defined in 18 U.S.C. 202) whose positions are classified at grades GS-16 and above of the General Schedule, or the rate of basic pay for which is fixed, other than under the General Schedule, at a rate equal to or greater than the 120% of the minimum rate of basic pay for GS-15 of the General Schedule;
(b) Officers or employees in any other positions determined by the Director of the Office of Government Ethics to be of equal classification to GS-16;
(c) Employees in the excepted service in positions that are of a confidential or policy-making character, unless by regulation their positions have been excluded by the Director of the Office of Government Ethics;
(d) The designated agency official who acts as the Department's Ethics Officer;
(e) Incumbent officials holding positions referred to above if they have served 61 days or more in the position during the preceding calendar year.
(f) Officials who have terminated employment from a position referred to above and who have not accepted another such position within 30 days of such termination.