1423.29—Action by the Board.

(a) After considering the Administrative Law Judge's decision, the record, and any exceptions and related submissions filed, the Board shall issue its decision affirming or reversing the Administrative Law Judge, in whole, or in part, or making such other disposition of the matter as it deems appropriate: Provided, however, That unless exceptions are filed which are timely and in accordance with § 1423.27, the Board may, at its discretion, adopt without discussion the decision of the Administrative Law Judge, in which event the findings and conclusions of the Administrative Law Judge, as contained in such decision shall, upon appropriate notice to the parties, automatically become the decision of the Board.
(b) Upon finding a violation, the Board shall issue an order:
(1) To cease and desist from any such unfair labor practice in which the Department or labor organization is engaged;
(2) Requiring the parties to renegotiate a collective bargaining agreement in accordance with the order of the Board and requiring that the agreement, as amended, be given retroactive effect;
(3) Requiring reinstatement of an employee with backpay in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 5596; or
(4) Including any combination of the actions described in paragraphs (b) (1) through (3) of this section or such other action as will carry out the purpose of the Foreign Service Labor-Management Relations Statute.
(c) Upon finding no violation, the Board shall dismiss the complaint.