1422.9—Conduct of hearing.

The Secretary may require any recipient with fewer than fifteen employees, or any class of such recipients, to comply with § 142.7, in whole or in part, when the Secretary finds a violation of this part or finds that such compliance will not significantly impair the ability of the recipient or class of recipients to provide benefits or services.
(a) Hearings shall be conducted by a Hearing Officer and shall be open to the public unless otherwise ordered by the Hearing Officer. At any time another Hearing Officer may be substituted for the Hearing Officer previously presiding. It shall be the duty of the Hearing Officer to inquire fully into all matters in issue and the Hearing Officer shall obtain a full and complete record upon which the Board can make an appropriate decision. An official reporter shall make the only official transcript of such proceedings. Copies of the official transcript may be examined in the appropriate regional office during normal working hours. Requests by parties for copies of transcripts should be made to the official hearing reporter.
(b) Hearings under this section are considered investigatory and not adversary. Their purpose is to develop a full and complete factual record. The rules of relevancy and materiality are paramount; there are no burdens of proof and the technical rules of evidence do not apply.