520.2043—Pyrantel pamoate suspension.
(a) Specifications.
Each milliliter (mL) contains pyrantel pamoate equivalent to 50 milligrams (mg) pyrantel base.
(b) Sponsors.
See sponsors in § 510.600(c) of this chapter for uses as in paragraph (d) of this section.
Nos. 000069, 058829, and 059130 for use of the product described in paragraph (a)(1) as in paragraph (d)(1) of this section.
Nos. 000069, 055246, 058829, and 059130 for use of the products described in paragraph (a)(2) as in paragraph (d)(2) of this section.
No. 023851 for use of the product described in paragraph (a)(3) as in paragraph (d)(2) of this section.
(i) Amount.
3 mg per pound (/lb) body weight as a single dose mixed with the usual grain ration, or by stomach tube or dose syringe.
(ii) Indications for use.
For the removal and control of mature infections of large strongyles (Strongylus vulgaris, S. edentatus, S. equinus ); pinworms (Oxyuris equi ); large roundworms (Parascaris equorum ); and small strongyles.
(iii) Limitations.
Do not use in horses intended for human consumption. When the drug is for administration by stomach tube, it shall be labeled: “Federal law restricts this drug to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian.”
(i) Dogs and puppies—
(A) Amount.
2.27 mg/lb body weight as a single dose in the animal's feed bowl by itself or mixed in a small quantity of food.
(B) Indications for use.
For the removal of large roundworms (Toxocara canis and Toxascaris leonina) and hookworms (Ancylostoma caninum and Uncinaria stenocephala ).
(C) Limitations.
Additional treatment may be required and should be confirmed by fecal examination within 2 to 4 weeks.
(C) Limitations.
Administer to puppies at 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, and 10 weeks of age. Administer to lactating bitches 2 to 3 weeks after whelping. Adult dogs kept in heavily contaminated quarters may be treated at monthly intervals.