20.108—Agreements between the Food and Drug Administration and other departments, agencies, and organizations.

(a) All written agreements and understandings signed by the Food and Drug Administration and other departments, agencies, and organizations are available for public disclosure.
(b) A permanent file of all such agreements and understandings is available for public review during working hours in the Food and Drug Administration's Freedom of Information Public Room.
(c) All such agreements and understandings shall be published in the Federal Register, except those agreements and memoranda of understanding between FDA and State or local government agencies that are cooperative work-sharing agreements. In lieu of publication of the complete text of these agreements and understandings, FDA will publish in the Federal Register periodically, but not less than once every 2 years, a notice listing all such agreements and memoranda of understanding currently in effect between FDA and State or local government agencies.
(d) Agreements and understandings signed by officials of FDA with respect to activities of the Office of Criminal Investigations are exempt from the requirements set forth in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section. Although such agreements and understandings will not be put on display in FDA's Freedom of Information Public Room or published in the Federal Register, these agreements will be available for disclosure in response to a request from the public after deletion of information that would disclose confidential investigative techniques or procedures, or information that would disclose guidelines for law enforcement investigations if such disclosure could reasonably be expected to risk circumvention of the law.

Code of Federal Regulations

[42 FR 15616, Mar. 22, 1977, as amended at 46 FR 8457, Jan. 27, 1981; 58 FR 48794, 48796, Sept. 20, 1993]