725.530—Operator payments; generally.

(a) Benefits payable by an operator or carrier pursuant to an effective order issued by a district director, administrative law judge, Benefits Review Board, or court, or by an operator that has agreed that it is liable for the payment of benefits to a claimant, shall be paid by the operator or carrier immediately when they become due (see § 725.502(b) ). An operator that fails to pay any benefits that are due, with interest, shall be considered in default with respect to those benefits, and the provisions of § 725.605 of this part shall be applicable. In addition, a claimant who does not receive any benefits within 10 days of the date they become due is entitled to additional compensation equal to twenty percent of those benefits (see § 725.607 ). Arrangements for the payment of medical costs shall be made by such operator or carrier in accordance with the provisions of subpart J of this part.
(b) Benefit payments made by an operator or carrier shall be made directly to the person entitled thereto or a representative payee if authorized by the district director. The payment of a claimant's attorney's fee, if any is awarded, shall be made directly to such attorney. Reimbursement of the fund, including interest, shall be paid directly to the Secretary on behalf of the fund.