661.420—Under what conditions may a Governor request, and the Secretary approve, a general waiver of statutory or regulatory requirements under WIA section 189(i)(4)?
A Governor may request a general waiver in consultation with appropriate chief elected officials:
A Governor's waiver request may seek waivers for the entire State or for one or more local areas.
A Governor requesting a general waiver must submit to the Secretary a plan to improve the Statewide workforce investment system that:
Identifies the statutory or regulatory requirements for which a waiver is requested and the goals that the State or local area, as appropriate, intends to achieve as a result of the waiver and how those goals relate to the Strategic Plan goals;
Describes the actions that the State or local area, as appropriate, has undertaken to remove State or local statutory or regulatory barriers;
Describes the goals of the waiver and the expected programmatic outcomes if the request is granted;
Ensure meaningful public comment, including comment by business and organized labor, on the waiver.
The Secretary issues a decision on a waiver request within 90 days after the receipt of the original waiver request.
The Secretary determines that the requirements for which a waiver is requested impede the ability of either the State or local area to implement the State's plan to improve the Statewide workforce investment system;
The Secretary determines that the waiver plan meets all of the requirements of WIA section 189(i)(4) and §§ 661.400 through 661.420; and
The State has executed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Secretary requiring the State to meet, or ensure that the local area meets, agreed-upon outcomes and to implement other appropriate measures to ensure accountability.
The Secretary will issue guidelines under which the States may request general waivers of WIA and Wagner-Peyser requirements. (WIA sec. 189(i).)