655.33—Administrative review.

(a) Request for review. If a temporary labor certification is denied, in whole or in part, under § 655.32, the employer may request review of the denial by the BALCA. The request for review:
(1) Must be sent to the BALCA, with a copy simultaneously sent to the CO who denied the application, within 10 calendar days of the date of determination;
(2) Must clearly identify the particular temporary labor certification determination for which review is sought;
(3) Must set forth the particular grounds for the request;
(4) Must include a copy of the Final Determination; and
(5) May contain only legal argument and such evidence as was actually submitted to the CO in support of the application.
(b) Upon the receipt of a request for review, the CO shall, within 5 business days assemble and submit the Appeal File using means to ensure same day or overnight delivery, to the BALCA, the employer, and the Associate Solicitor for Employment and Training Legal Services, Office of the Solicitor, U.S. Department of Labor.
(c) Within 5 business days of receipt of the Appeal File, the counsel for the CO may submit, using means to ensure same day or overnight delivery, a brief in support of the CO's decision.
(d) The Chief Administrative Law Judge may designate a single member or a three member panel of the BALCA to consider a particular case.
(e) The BALCA must review a denial of temporary labor certification only on the basis of the Appeal File, the request for review, and any legal briefs submitted and must:
(1) Affirm the denial of the temporary labor certification; or
(2) Direct the CO to grant the certification; or
(3) Remand to the CO for further action.
(f) The BALCA should notify the employer, the CO, and counsel for the CO of its decision within 5 business days of the submission of the CO's brief or 10 days after receipt of the Appeal File, whichever is earlier, using means to ensure same day or overnight delivery.