653.113—Processing apparent violations.

(a) If a State agency employee observes, has reason to believe, or is in receipt of information regarding a suspected violation of employment related laws or JS regulations by an employer, except as provided at § 653.503 (field checks) or § 658.400 of this chapter (complaints), the employee shall document the suspected violation and refer this information to the local office manager.
(b) If the employer has filed a job order with the JS office within the past 12 months, the local office shall attempt informal resolution. If the employer does not remedy the suspected violation within 5 working days, procedures at part 658, subpart F of this chapter shall be initiated and, if a violation of an employment related law is involved, the violation shall be referred to the appropriate enforcement agency in writing.
(c) If the employer has not filed a job order with the local office during the past 12 months, the suspected violation of an employment related law shall be referred to the appropriate enforcement agency in writing.