633.202—Announcement of State planning estimates and invitation to submit a grant application.

(a) Announcements. The Department, through a notice in the Federal Register, will announce State Planning estimates of section 402 funds and will publish an SGA for all areas open to competition. The SGA will contain all information needed by an applicant to apply for funding; i.e., general program description, rating criteria, and dates for submission of applications.
(b) Intention to apply. Any eligible applicant intending to apply for funds shall submit a Preapplication for Federal Assistance to DOL by a specified date as announced in the Federal Register.
(c) Applications for statewide programs are encouraged; however, the Department reserves the right to award grant funds to less than statewide areas.
(d) Executive Order 12372, “Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs,” and the implementing regulations at 30 CFR part 46 generally apply to this program. Pursuant to these requirements, in States which have established a consultation process expressly covering this program, applications shall be provided to the State for comment. Since States may also participate as competitors for this program, applications shall be submitted to the State upon the deadline for submission to the Department, instead of the usual 30-day period for review.