633.107—Eligibility for participation in section 402 programs.

(a) Eligibility for participation in section 402 programs is limited to those individuals who have, during any consective 12-month period within the 24-month period preceding their application for enrollment:
(1) Been a seasonal farmworker or migrant farmworker as defined in § 633.104; and,
(2) Received at least 50 percent of their total earned income or been employed at least 50 percent of their total work time in farmwork; and,
(3) Been identified as a member of a family which receives public assistance or whose annual family income does not exceed the higher of either the proverty level or 70 percent of the lower living standard income level.
(4) Dependents of the above individuals are also eligible.
(b) The 24-month period preceding application for enrollment shall be extended for persons who have been in the armed forces, incarcerated, hospitalized, or physically or mentally disabled. The extended period of time shall be not more than 24 months plus the amount of time the person was in the armed forces, incarcerated, detained at any Federal or State facility, hospitalized, or physically or mentally disabled. Such conditions shall be positively demonstrated by the applicant. This can be done by producing documentary evidence satisfactory to the grantee.
(c) To be eligible for participation, individuals shall meet the requirements of sections 167(a)(5) and 504 of the Act.
(d) A participant in another program or title under JTPA who met the eligibility criteria for section 402 at the time of enrollment into such other program or title may be transferred into, or enrolled concurrently, in the section 402 program. A section 402 participant who met the eligibility criteria for another program or title under JTPA at the time of enrollment into the section 402 program may also be transferred into or enrolled concurrently in such other program or title.
(e) The grantee shall establish the necessary procedures for identifying and selecting participants and for eligibility determination and verification.
(f) The provisions of section 181(k) of the Act are applicable to section 402 programs.