632.81—Payments to participants.

(a) General. Each participant paid wages for employment activities, allowances for classroom training or reimbursed for OJT or tryout employment will be provided such benefits pursuant to section 142 of the Act.
(b) Maximum wage rates for CSE. (1) The wages (including those received from overtime work and leave taken during the period of employment) paid to any CSE participant from funds under the Act shall be limited to a full-time rate of $10,000 per year (or the hourly, weekly, or monthly rate which, if full-time and annualized, would equal a rate of $10,000 per year). Approved rates above $10,000 are fixed at the CETA approved rate as of September 30, 1982, unless adjusted by the Secretary.
(2) Fringe benefits payable from funds under the Act to any CSE participant may not exceed those regularly afforded to similarly employed non-JTPA workers.
(3) Davis-Bacon wages. All laborers and mechanics employed by contractors or subcontractors in any construction, alteration, or repair, including painting and decorating, of projects, buildings, and works which are federally assisted under this Act, shall be paid wages at rates not less than those prevailing on similar construction in the locality as determined by the Secretary in accordnace with the Act of March 3, 1931, popularly known as the Davis-Bacon Act, and the implementing regulations in 29 CFR parts 1, 3, 5, and 7.
(c) Payment of allowances. (1) A basic hourly allowance for regularly enrolled classroom training or services participants shall not exceed the higher of the State or Federal minimum hourly wage.
(2) Native American grantees are encouraged to submit allowance payment designs which are less than in paragraph (c) (1) of this section. Through innovative reimbursement systems the number of participants should be maximized. The allowance payment system will be described in the Master Plan and as an option may include dependent allowances.
(3) Repayments. Native American grantees shall require participants to repay the amount of any overpayment of allowances under this part, except if the overpayment was made in the absence of fault on the part of the participant. Where the Native American grantee requires repayment, any overpayment not repaid may be set off against any future allowance or other payments under the Act to which the participant may become entitled.
(d) Combined activities. A primary activity is one in which a participant is enrolled for more than 50 percent of scheduled time. Participants enrolled in a primary activity for which wages are payable and simultaneously in an activity for which allowances are payable may, at the Native American grantee's option, be paid wages for all hours of participation. A participant enrolled in a primary activity for which allowances are payable may, at the Native American grantee's option, be paid allowances for all hours of participation, except when OJT is the non-primary component. However, in the latter case, before placing an individual in such an activity, the Native American grantee shall request a determination from the Internal Revenue Service as to whether income from the non-primary component is taxable.