632.40—Administrative staff and personnel standards.

(a) Staffing. Members of the population to be served shall be provided maximum employment opportunities at all levels of the JTPA grantee administration. Native American grantees shall establish systems to enhance the recruitment and hiring of qualified Indian and Native Americans and to provide opportunities for their further occupational training and career advancement.
(b) Compensation. Compensation for administrative staff shall be at levels consistent with generally accepted business practices in the area. Such administrative wages, salaries, and fringe benefits are allowable administrative costs under JTPA.
(c) Basic personnel standards. All grantee employees, including participants, engaged in the administration of programs under the Act shall be subject to the policies and methods of personnel administration as formally established by the Native American grantee.
(d) Bonding. Native American grantees shall comply with the bonding requirements at 41 CFR 29-70.202b.