632.172—Eligibility for participation in title IV, section 401.

(a) An Indian, Native Alaskan, or Native Hawaiian, as determined by the Native American Grantee, who is economically disadvantaged, or unemployed or underemployed is eligible to participate in a program under this subpart. For income eligibility purposes, the NAG may use either 6-months annualized or 12-months actual income.
(b) Indians and other persons of Native American descent who meet the requirements of subsection (a) of this section and who are identified by the Federal or State government as “landless” or “terminated” or “non-federally recognized” are included among those eligible to participate. These terms shall be broadly construed for the specific purpose of including, among others, terminated, State-recognized, or other groups or individuals previously determined to be eligible for Indian services under the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act.
(c) A Native American grantee may enroll Indian and Native American participants in upgrading and retraining programs who are not unemployed, underemployed or economically disadvantaged where such participants meet the following eligibility requirements:
(1) For upgrading, a person must be operating at less than full skill potential, and working for at least the prior 6 months with the same employer in either an entry level, unskilled or semiskilled position or a paid position with little or no advancement opportunity in a normal promotional line. Priority consideration shall be given to the workers who have been in entry level positions for the longest time.
(2) For retraining a person must have received a bona fide notice of impending layoff and have been determined by the grantee as having little opportunity to be reemployed in the same or equivalent occupation or skill level within the labor market area.