632.125—Responsibilities of Native American grantees, subgrantees and contractors for preventing fraud and program abuse and for general program management.

(a) Each Native American grantee shall establish and use internal program management procedures sufficient to prevent fraud and program abuse, including subgrantee and contractor fraud and abuse. The procedures to be used shall be identified in the Native American grantee's Master Plan.
(b) Each Native American grantee, subgrantee and contractor shall ensure that sufficient, auditable, and otherwise adequate records are maintained which support the expenditure of all funds under the Act. Such records shall be sufficient to allow the Secretary to audit and monitor the Native American grantees', subgrantees', and contractors' programs and shall include the maintenance of a management information system in accordance with the requirements of § 632.32.
(c) Any person having knowledge of fraud, criminal activity or other abuse shall report such information directly and immediately to the Secretary. Similarly, all complaints involving such matters should also be reported to the Secretary directly and immediately.