410.227—When a claim is considered to have been filed; time and place of filing.

(a) Date of receipt. Except as otherwise provided in this part, a claim is considered to have been filed only as of the date it is received at an office of the Administration or by an employee of the Administration who is authorized to receive such claims.
(b) Date of mailing. If the claim is deposited in and transmitted by the U.S. mail and the fixing of the date of delivery as the date of filing would result in a loss or impairment of benefit rights, it will be considered to have been filed as of the date of mailing. The date appearing on the postmark (when available and legible) shall be prima facie evidence of the date of mailing. If there is no postmark or it is not legible, other evidence may be used to establish the mailing date.

Code of Federal Regulations

[36 FR 23752, Dec. 14, 1971, as amended at 37 FR 20637, Sept. 30, 1972]