2200.20—Does this part apply to me?

(a) All Federal agencies that sponsor research and development, training, and other work at educational institutions shall apply the provisions of appendix A to this part in determining the costs incurred for such work. The principles shall also be used as a guide in the pricing of fixed price or lump sum agreements.
(b) Each federal agency that awards defense-related contracts to a Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC) associated with an educational institution shall require the FFRDC to comply with the Cost Accounting Standards and with the rules and regulations issued by the Cost Accounting Standards Board and set forth in 47 CFR part 99.
This part and, through this part, pertinent portions of the OMB guidance in subparts A through I of 2 CFR part (see table at 2 CFR 180.100(b)) apply to you if you are a—
(a) Participant or principal in a “covered transaction.” (see subpart B of 2 CFR part 180 and the definition of “nonprocurement transaction” at 2 CFR 180.970.
(b) Respondent in a Corporation for National and Community Service suspension or debarment action;
(c) Corporation for National and Community Service debarment or suspension official; or
(d) Corporation for National and Community Service grants officer, agreements officer, or other official authorized to enter into any type of nonprocurement transaction that is a covered transaction.