54.5—Scope of exemptions; nondeposit of estimated duty.
Except as otherwise provided in this section, articles predominating by weight of metal to be used in remanufacture by melting, or to be processed by shredding, shearing, compacting, or similar processing which renders them fit only for the recovery of the metal content, and actually so used, shall be entitled to free entry upon compliance with § 54.6, if entered, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, during the effective period of subheadings 9817.00.80 and 9817.00.90, Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS) (19 U.S.C. 1202 ). This provision does not apply to:
No deposit of estimated duty shall be required upon the entry, or withdrawal from warehouse for consumption, of the articles described in paragraph (a) of this section if the port director is satisfied at the time of entry, or withdrawal, by written declaration of the importer that the merchandise is being imported to be used in remanufacture by melting, or to be processed by shredding, shearing, compacting, or similar processing which renders it fit only for the recovery of the metal content.