351.221—Review procedures.
(a) Introduction.
The procedures for reviews are similar to those followed in investigations. This section details the procedures applicable to reviews in general, as well as procedures that are unique to certain types of reviews.
(b) In general.
After receipt of a timely request for a review, or on the Secretary's own initiative when appropriate, the Secretary will:
Before or after publication of notice of initiation of the review, send to appropriate interested parties or other persons (or, if appropriate, a sample of interested parties or other persons) questionnaires requesting factual information for the review;
Issue preliminary results of review, based on the available information, and publish in the Federal Register notice of the preliminary results of review that include:
Issue final results of review and publish in the Federal Register notice of the final results of review that include the rates determined, if the review involved the determination of rates;
If the type of review in question involves a determination as to the amount of duties to be assessed, promptly after publication of the notice of final results instruct the Customs Service to assess antidumping duties or countervailing duties (whichever is applicable) on the subject merchandise covered by the review, except as otherwise provided in § 351.106(c) with respect to de minimis duties; and
If the review involves a revision to the cash deposit rates for estimated antidumping duties or countervailing duties, instruct the Customs Service to collect cash deposits at the revised rates on future entries.
(c) Special rules—
(1) Administrative reviews and new shipper reviews.
In an administrative review under section 751(a)(1) of the Act and § 351.213 and a new shipper review under section 751(a)(2)(B) of the Act and § 351.214 the Secretary:
Will publish the notice of initiation of the review no later than the last day of the month following the anniversary month or the semiannual anniversary month (as the case may be); and
Normally will send questionnaires no later than 30 days after the date of publication of the notice of initiation.
(2) Expedited antidumping review.
In an expedited antidumping review under section 736(c) of the Act and § 351.215, the Secretary:
Will include in the notice of initiation of the review an invitation for argument consistent with § 351.309, and a statement that the Secretary is permitting the posting of a bond or other security instead of a cash deposit of estimated antidumping duties;
Will instruct the Customs Service to accept, instead of the cash deposit of estimated antidumping duties under section 736(a)(3) of the Act, a bond for each entry of the subject merchandise entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption on or after the date of publication of the notice of initiation of the investigation and through the date not later than 90 days after the date of publication of the order; and
(3) Changed circumstances review.
In a changed circumstances review under section 751(b) of the Act and § 351.216, the Secretary:
Will include in the preliminary results of review and the final results of review a description of any action the Secretary proposed based on the preliminary or final results;
May combine the notice of initiation of the review and the preliminary results of review in a single notice if the Secretary concludes that expedited action is warranted; and
(4) Article 8 Violation review and Article 4/Article 7 review.
In an Article 8 Violation review or an Article 4/Article 7 review under section 751(g) of the Act and § 351.217, the Secretary:
Will include in the notice of initiation of the review an invitation for argument consistent with § 351.309 and will notify all parties to the proceeding at the time the Secretary initiates the review;
In the final results of review will indicate the amount, if any, by which the estimated duty to be deposited should be adjusted, and, in an Article 4/Article 7 review, any action, including revocation, that the Secretary will take based on the final results.
The notice of initiation of a sunset review will contain a request for the information described in § 351.218(d); and
The Secretary, without issuing preliminary results of review, may issue final results of review under paragraphs (3) or (4) of sub section 751(c) of the Act if the conditions of those paragraphs are satisfied.
Will include in the notice of initiation of the review an invitation for argument consistent with § 351.309, and will notify all parties to the proceeding at the time the Secretary initiates the review; and
(7) Countervailing duty review at the direction of the President.
In a countervailing duty review at the direction of the President under section 762 of the Act and § 351.220, the Secretary will:
Include in the notice of initiation of the review a description of the merchandise, the period under review, and a summary of the available information which, if accurate, would support the imposition of countervailing duties;
Include in the preliminary results of review the countervailable subsidy, if any, during the period of review and a description of official changes in the subsidy programs made by the government of the affected country that affect the estimated countervailable subsidy; and
Include in the final results of review the countervailable subsidy, if any, during the period of review and a description of official changes in the subsidy programs, made by the government of the affected country not later than the date of publication of the notice of preliminary results, that affect the estimated countervailable subsidy.