210.79—Advisory opinions.

(a) Advisory opinions. Upon request of any person, the Commission may, upon such investigation as it deems necessary, issue an advisory opinion as to whether any person's proposed course of action or conduct would violate a Commission exclusion order, cease and desist order, or consent order. The Commission will consider whether the issuance of such an advisory opinion would facilitate the enforcement of section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, would be in the public interest, and would benefit consumers and competitive conditions in the United States, and whether the person has a compelling business need for the advice and has framed his request as fully and accurately as possible. Advisory opinion proceedings are not subject to sections 554, 555, 556, 557, and 702 of title 5 of the United States Code.
(b) Revocation. The Commission may at any time reconsider any advice given under this section and, where the public interest requires, revoke its prior advice. In such event the person will be given notice of the Commission's intent to revoke as well as an opportunity to submit its views to the Commission. The Commission will not proceed against a person for violation of an exclusion order, cease and desist order, or consent order with respect to any action that was taken in good faith reliance upon the Commission's advice under this section, if all relevant facts were accurately presented to the Commission and such action was promptly discontinued upon notification of revocation of the Commission's advice.

Code of Federal Regulations

[59 FR 39039, Aug. 1, 1994, as amended at 73 FR 38327, July 7, 2008]