206.33—Who may file a petition.

(a) In general. A petition under this subpart D may be filed by an entity, including a trade association, firm, certified or recognized union, or group of workers, that is representative of a domestic industry producing an article that is like or directly competitive with a Canadian or Mexican article that is allegedly, as a result of the reduction or elimination of a duty provided for under the North American Free Trade Agreement, being imported into the United States in such increased quantities (in absolute terms) and under such conditions so that imports of the article alone constitute a substantial cause of serious injury, or (except in the case of a Canadian article) a threat of serious injury, to such domestic industry.
(b) Perishable agricultural product. An entity of the type described in paragraph (a) of this section that represents a domestic industry producing a perishable agricultural product may petition for provisional relief with respect to imports of such product from Canada or Mexico only if such product has been subject to monitoring by the Commission for not less than 90 days as of the date the allegation of injury is included in the petition.
(c) The President is authorized to provide import relief with respect to an article from Canada or Mexico during the period provided for in section 305(a) of the NAFTA Implementation Act; the President may provide relief after the expiration of this period, but only if the Government of Canada or Mexico, as the case may be, consents to such provision (see section 305(b) of the NAFTA Implementation Act).