
(a) Mandatory declassification review. (1) Requests for declassification and release of national security information in the custody of the Commission shall be directed to the Secretary. Requests must reasonably describe the information that is desired to be declassified. All requests for declassification submitted pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act shall be processed in accordance with the provisions of that act and the applicable regulations of the Commission ( 19 CFR 201.17 through 201.21).
(2) Because the Commission does not have original classification authority and national security information in its custody has been classified by another Federal agency, the Secretary shall refer all requests for mandatory declassification review of classified information to the originating Federal agency along with his recommendations. Following consultation with the originating agency, the Secretary will notify the requestor of the referral.
(b) Safeguarding. All classified materials shall be delivered to the addressee or his designee immediately upon receipt at the Commission. In the event that the addressee or his designee is not available to receive the materials, they shall be delivered to the Secretary and secured, unopened, in a combination safe located in his office until the addressee or his designee is available. Under no circumstances shall classified materials that cannot be delivered to the addressee or his designee be stored other than in a GSA approved safe. Access to classified materials at the Commission shall be limited to officers and employees of the Commission on the basis of a favorable determination of trustworthiness on the basis of appropriate personnel security investigations and a need for access in the performance of official duties.
(c) Reproduction. “Top Secret” documents may not be reproduced without the consent of the originating agency unless otherwise marked by that agency. Documents that have been classified “Secret” or “Confidential” with special dissemination orders may not be reproduced without the permission of the Executive Liaison and Special Adviser for Trade Agreements, and are subject to any limitations imposed by the originator. Reproduced copies shall be subject to the same controls as the original document. The Executive Liaison and Special Adviser for Trade Agreements shall establish a system of recording the number and distribution of copies reproduced from the original documents. Reproduction for the purposes of mandatory review shall not be restricted.
(d) Storage. All classified material shall be stored in GSA-approved combination safes located at the Commission. The combinations shall be changed as required by section 2001.43(b) of Information Security Oversight Office Directive No. 1. The combinations shall be known only by those employees possessing an appropriate security clearance who have need for access in the performance of official duties.
(e) Employee education. The Director of Administration shall establish for all employees who have been granted a security clearance an information security education program that will advise them of the handling, reproduction, and storage procedures for these materials. The education program will also enable employees to familiarize themselves with the Order and applicable directives of the Information Security Oversight Office. New employees will be instructed in these procedures as they enter employment with the Commission.
(f) Agency terminology. The use of the terms “Top Secret”, “Secret”, and “Confidential” shall be limited to material classified for national security purposes.