122.75—Complete manifest.

(a) Contents. A complete air cargo manifest shall list all cargo laden, and show for each item the air waybill number, or marks and numbers on packages and the type of goods carried. If an item does not require a Shipper's Export Declaration, it shall be noted on the air cargo manifest.
(1) Shipments on an air waybill. A copy of each air waybill on which shipments are listed may be attached to the air cargo manifest, and the number of the air waybill may be listed on the air cargo manifest. The statement “Cargo as per Air Waybill Attached” must appear on the air cargo manifest if this is done.
(2) Direct departure. This subsection applies only to direct departures of shipments requiring a Shipper's Export Declaration. A copy of each declaration may be attached to the air cargo manifest, and the number of each declaration shall be listed on the air cargo manifest in the column for air waybill numbers. The statement “Cargo as per Export Declarations Attached” must appear on the manifest if this is done.
(b) Statement required. (1) When all required documents are ready for filing, the following statement must appear on the air cargo manifest, or on the general declaration form if an air cargo manifest is not required:
Attached Shipper's Export Declarations represent a full and complete enumeration and description of the cargo carried in this flight except that listed on the cargo manifest.
(2) If an incomplete set of documents has been filed and is later completed, the following statement shall accompany the Shipper's Export Declarations and any required air cargo manifests:
Attached Shipper's Export Declarations represent a full and complete enumeration and description of the cargo carried on aircraft No. ____, Flight No. ____ cleared direct for ____, on ____ except cargo listed on any cargo manifest required to be filed for such flight.
Authorized Agent