808.2—Administrative appeals.

(a) A project sponsor or other person aggrieved by a final action or decision of the Commission or Executive Director on a project application or a records access determination made pursuant to Commission policy may file a written appeal requesting a hearing. In the case of a project approval or denial, such appeal shall be filed by a project sponsor within 30 days of receipt of actual notice, and by all others within 30 days of publication of notice of the action taken on the project in the Federal Register. In the case of records access determinations, such appeal shall be filed with the Commission within 30 days of receipt of actual notice of the determination. Appeals filed later than 20 days prior to a regular Commission meeting will be considered at a subsequent Commission meeting. Appeals shall be filed on a form and in a manner prescribed by the Commission and the petitioner shall have 20 days from the date of filing to amend the appeal form.
(b) The appeal shall identify the specific action or decision for which a hearing is requested, the date of the action or decision, the interest of the person requesting the hearing in the subject matter of the appeal, and a statement setting forth the basis for objecting to or seeking review of the action or decision.
(c) Any request not filed on or before the applicable deadline established in paragraph (a) of this section hereof will be deemed untimely and such request for a hearing shall be considered denied unless the Commission, upon written request and for good cause shown, grants leave to make such filing nunc pro tunc; the standard applicable to what constitutes good cause shown being the standard applicable in analogous cases under Federal law. Receipt of requests for hearings pursuant to this section, whether timely filed or not, shall be submitted by the Executive Director to the commissioners for their information.
(d) Petitioners shall be limited to a single filing that shall set forth all matters and arguments in support thereof, including any ancillary motions or requests for relief. Issues not raised in this single filing shall be considered waived for purposes of the instant proceeding. Where the petitioner is appealing a final determination on a project application and is not the project sponsor, the petitioner shall serve a copy of the appeal upon the project sponsor within five days of its filing.
(e) If a hearing is granted, the Commission shall serve notice thereof upon the petitioner and project sponsor and shall publish such notice in the Federal Register. The hearing shall not be held less than 20 days after publication of such notice. Hearings may be conducted by one or more members of the Commission, by the Executive Director, or by such other hearing officer as the Commission may designate.
(1) The petitioner may also request a stay of the action or decision giving rise to the appeal pending final disposition of the appeal, which stay may be granted or denied by the Executive Director after consultation with the Commission chair and the member from the affected member State. The decision of the Executive Director on the request for stay shall not be appealable to the Commission under this section and shall remain in full force and effect until the Commission acts on the appeal.
(2) In addition to the contents of the request itself, the Executive Director, in granting or denying the request for stay, will consider the following factors:
(i) Irreparable harm to the petitioner.
(ii) The likelihood that the petitioner will prevail.
(f) The Commission shall grant the hearing request pursuant to this section if it determines that an adequate record with regard to the action or decision is not available, the case involves a determination by the Executive Director or staff which requires further action by the Commission, or that the Commission has found that an administrative review is necessary or desirable. If the Commission denies any request for a hearing, the party seeking such hearing shall be limited to such remedies as may be provided by the compact or other applicable law or court rule.
(g) If a hearing is granted, the Commission shall refer the matter for hearing to be held in accordance with § 808.3, and appoint a hearing officer.
(h) Intervention. (1) A request for intervention may be filed with the Commission by persons other than the petitioner within 20 days of the publication of a notice of the granting of such hearing in the Federal Register. The request for intervention shall state the interest of the person filing such notice, and the specific grounds of objection to the action or decision or other grounds for appearance. The hearing officer(s) shall determine whether the person requesting intervention has standing in the matter that would justify their admission as an intervener to the proceedings in accordance with Federal case law.
(2) Interveners shall have the right to be represented by counsel, to present evidence and to examine and cross-examine witnesses.
(i) Where a request for an appeal is made, the 90-day appeal period set forth in Section 3.10 (6) and Federal reservation (o) of the compact shall not commence until the Commission has either denied the request for or taken final action on an administrative appeal.
(j) Where the request for appeal relates to an action taken on a project, any hearing conducted pursuant to this section shall be convened in the general vicinity of the project location.

Code of Federal Regulations

[71 FR 78589, Dec. 29, 2006, as amended at 74 FR 49813, Sept. 29, 2009; 75 FR 60622, Oct. 1, 2010]