708.4—Required programs and reports.
The Commission shall prepare a work plan for public participation as part of the Master Plan—Plan of Study. The work plan shall satisfy minimum standards described in this part. The work plan shall describe all substantive administrative and management arrangements to elicit public participation, shall delineate Commission member and staff responsibilities, and shall identify budgetary provisions.
In addition to public meetings and hearings, the public participation program shall include survey research, program evaluation, and information/education activities as described in § 708.5.
The Commission shall recommend long-term public participation activities and programs related to implementation of the Master Plan. These recommendations shall be based on evaluation of procedures and results mandated in this part and carried out during the Master Plan preparation.
The Commission shall issue reports describing the participation program as developed or implemented during the designated reporting period. Each such report shall include as a minimum a brief description of the main participation elicited, the costs of the effort, and the use that was made of the elicited information in the planning process. The reporting periods shall be arranged so as to correspond generally with the main sequential segments of the overall planning process.