9.4—Filing and service; official docket.

(a) Filing with the Proceedings Clerk; proof of filing; proof of service. Any document that is required by this part to be filed with the Proceedings Clerk must be filed by delivering it in person or by mail to: Proceedings Clerk, Office of Proceedings, Commodity Futures Trading Commission, Three Lafayette Centre, 1155 21st Street, NW., Washington, DC 20581. To be timely filed under this part, a document must be delivered or mailed to the Proceedings Clerk within the time prescribed for filing. A party must use a means of filing which is at least as expeditious as that used in serving that document upon the other parties. Proof of filing must be made by attaching to the document for filing an affidavit of filing executed by any person 18 years of age or older or a proof of filing executed by an attorney-at-law qualified to practice before the Commission. The proof of filing must certify that the attached document was deposited in the mail, with first-class postage prepaid, addressed to the Proceedings Clerk, Office of Proceedings, Three Lafayette Centre, 1155 21st Street, NW., Washington, DC 20581, on the date specified in the affidavit. Proof of service of a document must be made by filing with the Proceedings Clerk, simultaneously with the filing of the required document, an affidavit of service executed by any person 18 years of age or older or a certification of service executed by an attorney-at-law qualified to practice before the Commission. The proof of service must identify the persons served, state that service has been made, set forth the date of service, and recite the manner of service.
(b) Formalities of filing— (1) Number of copies. Unless otherwise specifically provided, an original and two conformed copies of all documents filed with the Commission in accordance with the provisions of this part must be filed with the Proceedings Clerk.
(2) Title page. All documents filed with the Proceedings Clerk must include at the head thereof, or on a title page, the name of the Commission, the title of the proceeding, the docket number (if one has been assigned by the Proceedings Clerk), the subject of the particular document and the name of the person on whose behalf the document is being filed.
(3) Paper, spacing, type. All documents filed with the Proceedings Clerk must be typewritten, must be on one grade of good white paper no less than 8 or more than 8 1/2 inches wide and no less than 10 1/2 or more than 11 1/2 inches long, and must be bound on the top only. They must be double-spaced, except for long quotations (3 or more lines) and footnotes which should be single-spaced.
(4) Signature. The original copy of all papers must be signed in ink by the person filing the same or by his duly authorized agent or attorney.
(c) Service— (1) General requirements. All documents filed with the Proceedings Clerk must, at or before the time of filing, be served upon all parties. A party must use a means of service which is at least as expeditious as that used in filing that document with the Proceedings Clerk. One copy of all motions, petitions or applications made in the course of the proceeding, all notices of appeal, all briefs, and letters to the Commission or an employee thereof must be served by a party upon all other parties.
(2) Manner of service. Service may be either personal or by mail. Service by mail is complete upon deposit of the document in the mail. Where service is effected by mail, the time within which the person served may respond thereto will be increased by three days.
(3) Designation of person to receive service. The first document filed in a proceeding by or on behalf of any party must state on the first page the name and postal address of the person who is authorized to receive service for the party of all documents filed in the proceeding. Thereafter, service of documents must be made upon the person authorized unless service on a different authorized person or on the party himself is ordered by the Commission, or unless pursuant to § 9.8 the person authorized is changed by the party upon due notice to all other parties. Parties must file and serve notification of any changes in the information provided pursuant to this subparagraph as soon as practicable after the change occurs.
(4) Service of orders and decisions. A copy of all notices, rulings, opinions and orders of the Commission will be served on each of the parties and will be deemed served upon deposit in the mail.
(d) Official docket. Upon receipt of a notice of appeal filed in accordance with § 9.20, or a petition for stay pending review filed in accordance with § 9.24, the Proceedings Clerk will establish and thereafter maintain the official docket of that proceeding and will assign a docket number to the proceeding.

Code of Federal Regulations

[52 FR 25366, July 7, 1987, as amended at 60 FR 49334, Sept. 25, 1995]