
(a) The following minimum requirements shall apply to any hearing required by this subpart:
(1) The hearing shall be fair and shall be conducted before members of the disciplinary committee. The hearing may be conducted before all of the members of the disciplinary committee or a panel thereof, but no member of the disciplinary committee may serve on the committee or panel if he or any person or firm with which he is affiliated has a financial, personal, or other direct interest in the matter under consideration.
(2) The respondent shall be entitled in advance of the hearing to examine all books, documents, or other tangible evidence in the possession or under the control of the exchange which are to be relied upon by the enforcement staff in presenting the charges contained in the notice of charges or which are relevant to those charges.
(3) The hearing shall be promptly convened after reasonable notice to the respondent.
(4) The formal rules of evidence need not apply; nevertheless, the procedures for the hearing may not be so informal as to deny a fair hearing.
(5) The enforcement staff shall be a party to the hearing and shall present its case on those charges and penalties which are the subject of the hearing.
(6) The respondent shall be entitled to appear personally at the hearing.
(7) The respondent shall be entitled to cross-examine any persons appearing as witnesses at the hearing.
(8) The respondent shall be entitled to call witnesses and to present such evidence as may be relevant to the charges.
(9) The exchange shall require persons within its jurisdiction who are called as witnesses to appear at the hearing and to produce evidence. It shall make reasonable efforts to secure the presence of all other persons called as witnesses whose testimony would be relevant.
(10) If the respondent has requested a hearing, a substantially verbatim record of the hearing shall be made and shall become a part of the record of the proceeding. The record must be one that is capable of being accurately transcribed; however, it need not be transcribed unless the transcript is requested by Commission staff or the respondent, the decision is appealed under § 8.19, or is reviewed by the Commission pursuant to section 8c of the Act or part 9 of this chapter. In all other instances a summary record of a hearing is permitted.
(i) The rules of an exchange may provide that the cost of transcribing the record of the hearing shall be borne by a respondent who requests the transcript, appeals the decision pursuant to § 8.19, or whose application for Commission review of the disciplinary action has been granted under part 9 of this chapter. In all other instances, the cost of transcribing the record shall be borne by the exchange.
(b) The rules of an exchange may provide that a penalty may be summarily imposed upon any person within its jurisdiction whose actions impede the progress of a hearing.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 3038-0022)

Code of Federal Regulations

[43 FR 41950, Sept. 19, 1978, as amended at 46 FR 63036, Dec. 30, 1981]