A reporting entity is subject to the reporting requirements of this section only when its reportable position equals or exceeds the large position threshold specified by the Department for a specific Treasury security issue. The Department shall provide notice of such threshold by issuance of a press release and subsequent publication of the notice in the Federal Register. Such notice will identify the Treasury security issue to be reported (including, where applicable, identification of the related STRIPS principal component); the date or dates (as of close of business) for which the large position information must be reported; and the applicable large position threshold for that issue. It is the responsibility of a reporting entity to take reasonable actions to be aware of such a notice.
A reporting entity shall select one entity from among its aggregating entities (i.e., the designated filing entity) as the entity designated to compile and file a report on behalf of the reporting entity. The designated filing entity shall be responsible for filing any large position reports in response to a notice issued by the Department and for maintaining the additional records prescribed in the applicable paragraph of § 420.4.
In response to a notice issued under paragraph (a) of this section requesting large position information, a reporting entity with a reportable position that equals or exceeds the specified large position threshold stated in the notice shall compile and report the amounts of the reporting entity's reportable position in the order specified, as follows:
Net trading position, and each of the following items that together comprise the net trading position:
Gross financing position and each of the following items that comprise the gross financing position:
Term (report the total dollar amount of the outstanding contracts, summing across maturity dates), and
Securities received through bonds borrowed, and as collateral for financial derivatives and other financial transactions.
Term (report the total dollar amount of the outstanding contracts, summing across maturity dates), and
Securities loaned, and as collateral for financial derivatives and other securities transactions.
The gross par amount of “fails to deliver” in the security. This total must also be included in Net Fails Position, Line 3.
Each of the net trading position components shall be netted and reported as a positive number (long position), a negative number (short position), which should be shown in parenthesis, or zero (flat position). The total net trading position shall also be reported as the applicable positive or negative number (or zero). Each of the components of the gross financing position shall be reported. The total gross financing position, which is the sum of the gross financing position components, shall also be reported. The net fails position should be reported as a single entry. If the amount of the net fails position is zero or less, report zero. The total reportable position, which is the sum of the net trading position, gross financing position, and net fails position, must be reported. Each component of Memorandum 1 shall be reported. The total of Memorandum 1, which is the sum of its components, shall also be reported. Memorandum 2, which is the gross par amount of fails to deliver, shall also be reported. All of these positions should be reported in the order specified above. All position amounts should be reported on a trade date basis and at par in millions of dollars.
All positions must be reported as of the close of business of the reporting date(s) specified in the notice.
Each submitted large position report must include the following administrative information in addition to the reportable position: the name of the reporting entity, the address of the principal place of business, the name and address of the designated filing entity, the Treasury security that is being reported, the CUSIP number for the security being reported, the report date or dates for which information is being reported, the date the report was submitted, the name and telephone number of the person to contact regarding information reported, and the name and position of the authorized individual submitting this report.
The large position report must be signed by one of the following: the chief compliance officer; chief legal officer; chief financial officer; chief operating officer; chief executive officer; or managing partner or equivalent. The designated filing entity must also include in the report, immediately preceding the signature, a statement of certification as follows:
By signing below, I certify that the information contained in this report with regard to the designated filing entity is accurate and complete. Further, after reasonable inquiry and to the best of my knowledge and belief, I certify: (i) That the information contained in this report with regard to any other aggregating entities is accurate and complete; and (ii) that the reporting entity, including all aggregating entities, is in compliance with the requirements of 17 CFR Part 420.
The report must be filed before noon Eastern time on the fourth business day following issuance of the press release.
A report to be filed pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section will be considered filed when received by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Market Reports Division. The report may be filed with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York by facsimile or delivered hard copy. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York may in its discretion also authorize additional means of reporting.
A reporting entity that has filed a report pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section shall, at the request of the Department or the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, timely provide any supplemental information pertaining to such report.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1535-0089)