39.5—Information relating to derivatives clearing organization operations.
Upon request by the Commission, a derivatives clearing organization shall file with the Commission such information related to its business as a clearing organization, including information relating to trade and clearing details, in the form and manner and within the time as specified by the Commission in the request.
Upon request by the Commission, a derivatives clearing organization shall file with the Commission a written demonstration, containing such supporting data, information and documents, in the form and manner and within such time as the Commission may specify that the derivatives clearing organization is in compliance with one or more core principles as specified in the request.
Information regarding transactions by large traders cleared by a derivatives clearing organization shall be filed with the Commission, in a form and manner acceptable to the Commission, by futures commission merchants, clearing members, foreign brokers or registered entities other than a derivatives clearing organization, as applicable. Provided, however, that if no such person or entity is required to file large trader information with the Commission, such information must be filed with the Commission by a derivatives clearing organization.
Upon special call by the Commission, each futures commission merchant, clearing member or foreign broker shall provide information to the Commission concerning customer accounts or related positions cleared on a derivatives clearing organization or other multilateral clearing organization in the form and manner and within the time specified by the Commission in the special call.