270.8b-23—Incorporation by reference.
Any registrant may incorporate by reference, in answer or partial answer to any item of a registration statement or report, any information contained elsewhere in the statement or report or any information contained in any other statement, report or prospectus filed with the Commission under any Act administered by it, so long as a copy of the other statement, report or prospectus is filed with each copy of the registration statement or report in which it is incorporated by reference. In the case of a registration statement, report, or prospectus filed in electronic format, the registrant need not file a copy of the document incorporated by reference if that document also was filed in electronic format. A registrant may incorporate by reference matter contained in an exhibit, however, only to the extent permitted by §§ 270.8b-24 and 270.8b-32.
Any financial statement filed with the Commission pursuant to any act administered by the Commission may be incorporated by reference in a registration statement or report, filed with the Commission by the same or any other person, if it substantially conforms to the requirements of the form on which the statement or report is filed.
Material incorporated by reference shall be clearly identified in the reference. An express statement that the specified matter is incorporated by reference shall be made at the particular place in the registration statement or report where the information is required. Matter shall not be incorporated by reference in any case where such incorporation would render the statement incomplete, unclear or confusing.