270.6d-1—Exemption for certain closed-end investment companies.
The information relied upon by the applicant to satisfy the conditions of paragraphs (1) and (2) of section 6(d) of the Act.
An unconsolidated balance sheet as of a date not earlier than the end of the applicant's first fiscal year, together with a schedule specifying the title, the amount, the book value and, if determinable, the market value of each security in the applicant's portfolio.
A statement of each provision of the act from which the applicant seeks exemption, together with a statement of the facts by reason of which, in the applicant's opinion, such exemption is not contrary to the public interest or inconsistent with the protection of investors.
There shall be attached to each copy of the application a copy of Form N-8A. The form need not be executed, but it shall be clearly marked on its facing page as an exhibit to the application. The filing of Form N-8A in this manner shall not be construed as the filing of a notification of registration under section 8(a) of the Act.