270.2a3-1—Investment company limited partners not deemed affiliated persons.
Code of Federal Regulations
Preliminary Note to § 270.2a3-1:This § 270.2a3-1 excepts from the definition of affiliated person in section 2(a)(3)) (15 U.S.C. 80a-2(a)(3)) those limited partners of investment companies organized in limited partnership form that are affiliated persons solely because they are partners under section 2(a)(3)(D) (15 U.S.C. 80a-2(a)(3)(D)). Reliance on this § 270.2a3-1 does not except a limited partner that is an affiliated person by virtue of any other provision.
Code of Federal Regulations819
No limited partner of a registered management company or a business development company, organized as a limited partnership and relying on § 270.2a19-2, shall be deemed to be an affiliated person of such company, or any other partner of such company, solely by reason of being a limited partner of such company.