229.1115—(Item 1115) Certain derivatives instruments.
This item relates to derivative instruments, such as interest rate and currency swap agreements, that are used to alter the payment characteristics of the cashflows from the issuing entity and whose primary purpose is not to provide credit enhancement related to the pool assets or the asset-backed securities. For purposes of this section, the “significance estimate” of the derivative instrument is to be determined based on a reasonable good-faith estimate of maximum probable exposure, made in substantially the same manner as that used in the sponsor's internal risk management process in respect of similar instruments. The “significance percentage” is the percentage that the amount of the significance estimate represents of the aggregate principal balance of the pool assets, provided, that if the derivative instrument relates only to one or more classes of the asset-backed securities, the “significance percentage” is the percentage that the amount of the significance estimate represents of the aggregate principal balance of such classes.
Describe the operation and material terms of the derivative instrument, including any limits on the timing or amount of payments or any conditions to payments.
At a minimum, disclose whether the significance percentage, as calculated in accordance with this section, is less than 10%, at least 10% but less than 20%, or 20% or more.
(b) Financial information.
If the aggregate significance percentage related to any entity or group of affiliated entities providing derivative instruments contemplated by this section is 10% or more, but less than 20%, provide financial data required by Item 301 of Regulation S-K ( § 229.301) for such entity or group of affiliated entities.
If the aggregate significance percentage related to any entity or group of affiliated entities providing derivative instruments contemplated by this section is 20% or more, provide financial statements meeting the requirements of Regulation S-X ( §§ 210.1-01 through 210.12-29 of this chapter), except § 210.3-05 of this chapter and Article 11 of Regulation S-X ( §§ 210.11-01 through 210.11-03 of this chapter), of such entity or group of affiliated entities. Financial statements of such entity and its subsidiaries consolidated (as required by § 240.14a-3(b) of this chapter) shall be filed under this item.
Instructions to Item 1115: 1. Instructions 2, 3 and 5 to Item 1114 of this Regulation AB apply to the information contemplated by paragraph (b) of this item.
2. This Item should not be construed as allowing anything other than an asset-backed security whose payment is based primarily by reference to the performance of the receivables or other financial assets in the asset pool.