21.02—Special calls for information on open contracts in accounts carried or introduced by futures commission merchants, clearing members, members of reporting markets, introducing brokers, and
Upon special call by the Commission for information relating to futures or option positions held or introduced on the dates specified in the call, each futures commission merchant, clearing member, member of a reporting market, introducing broker, or foreign broker, and, in addition, for option information, each reporting market, shall furnish to the Commission the following information concerning accounts of traders owning or controlling such futures or option positions, except for accounts carried on a fully disclosed basis by another futures commission merchant or clearing member, as may be specified in the call:
The principal business or occupation of the person for whom each account is introduced or carried, as specified in the call;
The name, address and principal business or occupation of any person who controls the trading of each account;
The name and address of any person having a financial interest of ten percent or more in each account;
The number of open futures or option positions introduced or carried in each account, as specified in the call;
The total number of futures contracts against which delivery notices have been issued or received; and
Whether a trader who holds commodity futures or option positions is classified as a commercial or as a noncommercial trader for each commodity futures or option contract;
Whether the open commodity futures or option contracts are classified as speculative, spreading (straddling), or hedging; and
Whether any of the accounts in question are omnibus accounts and, if so, whether the originator of the omnibus account is another futures commission merchant, clearing member or foreign broker.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 3038-0017)