200.80a—Appendix A—Documentary materials available to the public.

[See footnotes at end of table]
Description Pursuant to section—
Securities Act of 1933
Registration statement providing financial and other information concerning securities offered for public sale, filed under Regulation C (17 CFR 230.400 et seq.) 6
Prospectuses (selling circulars) in connection with registration statement 10
Periodic reports (annual, quarterly, and current) to keep reasonably current the information in registration statement (1)
Requests for extension of time to file information, document, or report (2)
Reports of sales of registered securities and use of proceeds thereunder by first time registrants 19(a), 20(a)
Report by issuers of securities quoted on NASDAQ Inter-Dealer Quotation System (1)
Preliminary data (prospectus, circular letters, etc.) to oil offering (Regulation B) (17 CFR 230.300 et seq.) 3(b)
Offering sheets for oil or gas rights and royalties under Regulation B for exemption from registration provisions (17 CFR 230.300 et seq.) 3(b)
Notifications of exemption from registration filed under Regulation A, E, and F (17 CFR 230.251, 230.601, 230.651 et seq.) 3(b)
Offering circulars and written advertisements or other communications under Regulations A, E, and F (17 CFR 230.251, 230.601, 230.651 et seq.) 3(b)
Report of sales and use of proceeds (Regulations A and E) (17 CFR 230.251, 230.601 et seq.) 3(b)
Consent by non-resident to service of process (Regulation A) (17 CFR 230.251 et seq.) 3(b)
Application for relief from disability under Regulations A and F (17 CFR 230.651 et seq.) 3(b)
Notice of proposed resale of restricted securities and resale of securities by control persons (17 CFR 230.144 ) 4(1), 4(4)
Notice of proposed sale by non-controlling person of restricted securities of issuers which do not satisfy all of the conditions of Rule 144 (17 CFR 230.237 ) 3(b)
Notice of sale of securities by closely held issuers (issuers with 100 or less beneficial owners) other than investment companies, registered or required to be registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (17 CFR 230.240 ) 3(b)
[See footnotes at end of table]
Description Pursuant to section—
Securities Exchange Act of 1934
Registration statement (securities listed on a national securities exchange) 12(b)
Registration statement (securities traded over-the-counter) 12(g)
Exemption from section 12(g), 13, 14, 15, or 16 12(h)
Information by a foreign issuer temporarily exempt from section 12(g) 12(g)(3)
Code of Federal Regulations 70
Certification of exchange approving securities for listing and registration 12(d)
Periodic reports (annual, quarterly and current) to keep current the information in the above registration statements 13(a)
Request for extension of time to file information, document, or report 12(b)
Correspondence between the Commission and registrants that are delinquent in filing certain required reports 13(a), 15(d)
Report by issuers of securities quoted on NASDAQ Inter-Dealer Quotation System 15(d), 13(a)
Certificate of termination of Registration for a class of security (3)
Notices of suspension of trading 12(d)
Application to withdraw or strike a security from listing and registration on a national securities exchange 12(d)
Notification by an exchange of the admission to trading of a substituted or additional class of security 12(a)
Definitive proxy soliciting materials filed under Regulation 14A (17 CFR 240.14a-1 et seq.) 14(a)
Distribution of information to security holders from whom proxies are not solicited filed under Regulation C (17 CFR 230.400 et seq.) 14(c)
Acquisitions, tender offers and solicitations. (17 CFR 240.14d-1 et seq.) 13(d), 14(d)
Initial statement of beneficial ownership of equity securities by officers, directors and principal stockholders of issuers having listed equity securities; and changes in such ownership 16(a)
Application for permission to extend unlisted trading privileges, notification of changes, and notification of termination or suspension 12(f)
Application for registration as a broker and dealer, and amendments or supplements to such application 15(b)
Reports of financial condition of registered brokers and dealers 17
Application for registration as a transfer agent and amendments to such application 17A(c)
Application for registration as a municipal securities dealer 15B(a)
Application for registration or exemption as a securities information processor 11A(b)
Application for registration or exemption as a clearing agency 17A(b)
Irrevocable appointment of agent for service of process, pleadings and other papers 23(a)
Notice by non-resident broker or dealer specifying address of place in United States where copies of books and records are located and undertaking to furnish to Commission, upon demand, copies of books and records he is required to maintain 17
Subordination agreements 15
Initial assessment and information form for registered brokers and dealers not members of a registered national securities association 15(b)(8)
Annual assessment and information form for registered brokers and dealers not members of a registered national securities association 15(b)(8)
Reports of market makers and other registered broker-dealers in securities traded on national securities exchanges 17(a)
Reports by registered brokers and dealers who are OTC Market in Makers in any OTC Margin Securities 17(a)
Proposed rule changes by all self-regulatory organizations 19(b)
Notice as to stated policies, practices and interpretations of self-regulatory organizations 19(b)
Application by an exchange for registration or exemption from registration as a national securities exchange 6(a)
Annual amendments and supplemental material filed to keep reasonably current the information contained in application for registration or exemption 6(e)
Record disposal plan of national securities exchanges 17
Application for listing securities on an exempted exchange 12(b)
Periodic reports to keep reasonably current the information contained in application for listing securities on exempted exchange 13
Certification of exempted exchange approving securities for listing 12(d)
Application for registration as a national securities association or affiliated securities association 15A
Annual supplement consolidated to keep reasonably current the information in the above application 15A
Report of changes in membership status of any of its members required of national securities exchanges and registered national securities associations 17, 19
Application by a national securities association or a broker or dealer for admission or continuance of a broker or dealer as member of a national securities association, notwithstanding a disqualification under section 15A(b)(4) 15A(b)(4)
Application for review of disciplinary action or denial of membership by registered securities association 15A(g)
Reports on stabilizing activities pertaining to a fixed price offering of securities registered or to be registered under the Securities Act of 1933, or offered or to be offered pursuant to an exemption under Regulation A (17 CFR 230.251 et seq.), or being or to be otherwise offered if aggregate offering price exceeds $500,000 17
Plans by exchanges authorizing payment of special commission in connection with a distribution of securities on exchanges 10
Suspensions of trading of securities otherwise than on a national securities exchange 15(c)(5)
Annual and supplemental reports of the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board 17
[See footnotes at end of table]
Description Pursuant to section—
Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935
Notification of registration and registration statement by public utility holding companies providing financial and other information concerning the issue and sale of securities 5(a), 5(b)
Annual reports by registered holding companies to keep reasonably current information in the registration statement 5(d)
Application for an order of the Commission declaring registrant has ceased to be a holding company 5(d)
Statement by a person employed or retained by a registered holding company or subsidiary thereof, of subject matter in respect of which retained or employed; and annual statement thereafter 12(i)
Application for exemption from provisions of the Act and applications for declaratory orders regarding status of company under Act by holding companies, subsidiaries, and other companies 2(a)(3), 2(a)(4), 2(a)(7)(B), 2(a)(8)(B), 3(a), (b)
Twelve-month statement by bank claiming exemption under the Act 3(a), (d)
Application for approval of mutual service company or declaration with respect to organization and conduct of business of subsidiary service company 13(b)
Statement executed by financial institution authorizing representative to serve as officer or director of holding company or subsidiary, filed by representative 17(c)
Initial statement of beneficial ownership of securities filed by officers and directors of registered public utility holding companies, and changes in such ownership 17(a)
Annual reports by mutual and subsidiary service companies 13
Application by interested persons for approval of reorganization plans required in court proceedings for reorganization of registered holding companies and subsidiaries 11(f)
Application by or on behalf of persons requesting approval of payment of fees, expenses or remuneration for services rendered in connection with a proceeding in reorganization in a U.S. Court involving registered holding companies or subsidiaries 11(f)
Notices of intention regarding proposed sale of securities and other assets not requiring filing of application or declaration 11, 12(d), 12(f)
Statements in justification of fees and expenses proposed to be paid 6(b), 7, 9, 10, 12(d)
Reports to stockholders by registered holding company or subsidiary thereof and annual reports submitted by registered holding company or subsidiary thereof to a State commission covering operations not reported to Federal Power Commission 14, 15
[See footnotes at end of table]
Description Pursuant to section—
Trust Indenture Act of 1939
Statement of eligibility and qualification of corporations or individuals as trustees under qualified indenture under which debt security has been or is to be issued 305, 307
Application for qualification of indenture under which security (bonds, debentures, notes and similar debt securities) has been or is to be issued 307
Application for exemption from provisions of the Act in certain cases 304(c), (d)
Application re conflict of interest of trustees 310(b)(1)
Reports by indenture trustee to indenture security holders with respect to eligibility and qualification under section 310 313
Application relative to affiliations between trustees and underwriters 310(b)(3), 310(b)(6)
[See footnotes at end of table]
Description Pursuant to section—
Investment Advisers Act of 1940
Application for registration as investment adviser or to amend or supplement such an application 203(c), 204
Application for exemption and other relief 206A
Irrevocable appointment of agent for service of process, pleadings and other papers 211(a)
Notice by non-resident investment adviser specifying address of place in United States where copies of books and records are located, or 204
Undertaking by non-resident investment adviser to furnish to Commission, upon demand, copies of any books or records he is required to maintain 204
[See footnotes at end of table]
Description Pursuant to section—
Investment Company Act of 1940
Notification of registration of investment company, and registration statement covering an offering of securities of investment company evidencing an interest in a portfolio of securities in which the investment company invests 8(a), 8(b)
Periodic reports (annual and quarterly) to keep reasonably current the information in above registration statement 30(a), 30(b)(1)
Periodic or interim reports to security holders of registered investment companies 30(b)(2)
Application for order of the Commission determining registrant has ceased to be an investment company 8(f)
Fidelity bond, resolution of board of directors, notice of cancellation or termination of bond for officers and employees of investment companies who have access to its securities or funds 17(g)
Waiver of indemnification of officers and directors of investment companies 17(h), 17(i)
Report of independent auditors examining records of investment companies 17(f)
Code of Federal Regulations 72
Application by other than registrant for order of Commission declaring corporate name of registrant is misleading or deceptive 35(d)
Request by company for certificate to be issued to Secretary of Treasury (4)
Proxy soliciting material 20(a) 5
Initial statement of beneficial ownership of securities by officers, directors and other specified insiders of registered closed-end investment companies, and changes in such ownership 30(f)
Application for exemption from provisions of the Act and other relief 2(a)(9), 3(b)(2), 6 (b), (c), (d), 7 (d), 10 (e), (f), 11 (a), (c), 12 (d) (1), (d)(2), 14(a), 15 (a), 16(a), 17 (a), (b), (d), (e), 18(i), 22(d), 23 (b) (5), (c)(3), 24(d), 26(a) (2)(C), 28(c), 35(d), and others.
Statement of transactions—exemption from provisions of section 10(f) 10(f)
Application for an ineligible person to serve as officer, director, etc. of a registered investment company 9(b)
Request for advisory report of the Commission relating to the reorganization of registered investment company 25(b)
Report of repurchase of its own securities by a closed-end company 23(c)
Sales literature regarding securities of certain investment companies 24(b)
Statement of the Federal Savings and Loan Corporation relating to the exemption of certain issuers 6(a)(4)
Report submitted pursuant to an order of the Commission
Documents and records resulting from derivative or representative law suits 33
1 Section 15(d)—Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
2 Section 12(b)—Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
3 Section 12(g)—Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
4 Section 851(e)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 is applicable.
5 Regulation 14 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 is applicable (17 CFR 240.14a-1 et seq.).
Requests or petitions that a change in the Commission's rules, regulations or forms be made; comments on proposed rules, regulations or forms; issuance, amendment or repeal of rules, regulations or forms promulgated under the various Acts administered by the Commission.
Requests for no-action and interpretative letters and responses thereto.
Transcripts of proceedings in public hearings including testimony, exhibits received in evidence, intermediate decisions, oral arguments, motions, briefs, exceptions.
Commission findings, opinions, orders, rulings and notices issued for public release.
Final opinions of the Commission, including concurring and dissenting opinions, as well as orders made by the Commission in the adjudication of cases.
A record of the final votes of each member of the Commission in every Commission proceedings concluded after July 1, 1967.
Hearings and comments on proposed rules or statements of policy, etc., except where the writer requests that his comments not be made public.
Periodic reports filed by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development under Regulation BW—Rules 1 to 4, section 15(a) of the Bretton Woods Agreement Act (17 CFR part 285).
Periodic reports filed by the Inter-American Development Bank, pursuant to Regulation IA (17 CFR part 286) adopted pursuant to section 11(a) of the Inter-American Bank Act.
Periodic reports filed by the Asian Development Bank, pursuant to Regulation AD (17 CFR part 287) adopted pursuant to section 11(a) of the Asian Development Bank Act.
Copies of papers filed in court, and papers and documents received from courts, are primarily for the use of the Commission attorneys and other members of the staff. These may not always be complete and accurate and may contain nonpublic staff notations. However, in appropriate situations, with the approval of the Office of the General Counsel, examination of such material may be made or copies obtained as a matter of courtesy.
Statements of policy and interpretations which have been adopted by the Commission and are not published in the Federal Register.
Administrative staff manuals and instructions to the staff that affect a member of the public.
Reports by the Commission to the Congress as a whole.
Notices of Commission meetings announced to the public as described in § 200.403; announcements of Commission action to close a meeting, or any portion thereof, as described in § 200.404(b) and § 200.405(c); and certifications by the General Counsel, pursuant to § 200.406, that a Commission meeting, or any portion thereof, may be closed to the public.

Code of Federal Regulations

[41 FR 44696, Oct. 12, 1976, as amended at 42 FR 14693, Mar. 16, 1977]