(a) General requirements—
(1) When service is required; number of copies.
One copy of all motions, petitions or applications made in the course of a proceeding (unless made orally during a hearing), all proposed findings and conclusions (to the extent permitted by these rules), all notices of appeal, all briefs, and letters to the Commission, an employee thereof, or an Administrative Law Judge, shall be served by a party upon all other parties to the proceeding. This rule does not apply to a complaint filed pursuant to § 12.13 of these rules, which shall only be filed with the Commission.
(2) Filing with the Proceedings Clerk; proof of service.
All documents which are required to be served upon a party shall be filed concurrently with the Proceedings Clerk, and shall meet the requirements as to form prescribed by §§ 12.11 and 12.12 of this part. Unless otherwise provided in these rules, a document shall be filed by:
Mailing it by first-class or a more expeditious form of United States mail, or delivering it to a similar commercial package delivery service;
Mailed documents must be addressed to: Proceedings Clerk, Office of Proceedings, Commodity Futures Trading Commission, Three Lafayette Centre, 1155 21st Street, NW., Washington, DC 20581. Faxed documents should be sent to (202) 418-5532 and e-mailed documents to (PROC_Filings@cftc.gov ), directed to the Proceedings Clerk. Electronic filing and service in a given case shall be at the discretion of the Presiding Officer, with the parties' consent. Signed documents that are served by e-mail attachment must be in PDF or other non-alterable form. To be timely filed under this part, a document must be delivered; mailed by first-class or a more expeditious form of United States mail or a similar commercial package delivery service; or faxed or e-mailed to the Proceedings Clerk within the time prescribed for filing. Proof of filing shall be made by attaching to the document to be filed an affidavit certifying that the attached document was either deposited in the mail or with the commercial package delivery service, with postage or delivery service fees prepaid, addressed to the Proceedings Clerk, Office of Proceedings, Three Lafayette Centre, 1155 21st Street, NW., Washington, DC 20581; or faxed or e-mailed to the Proceeding Clerk on the date specified in the affidavit. Proof of service of a document shall be made by filing with the Proceedings Clerk, simultaneously with the filing of the required document, an affidavit of service executed by any person 18 years of age or older or a certificate of service executed by an attorney-at-law qualified to practice before the Commission. The proof of service shall identify the persons served, state that service has been made, set forth the date of service, and recite the manner of service.
(3) Service of orders and decisions.
A copy of all notices, rulings, opinions, and orders of the Proceedings Clerk, the Director of the Office of Proceedings, a Judgment Officer, Administrative Law Judge, the Deputy General Counsel for Opinions and Review or the Commission shall be served by the Proceedings Clerk on each of the parties. The Commission, in its discretion and with due consideration for the convenience of the parties, may serve the aforementioned documents to the parties by electronic means.
First-class or a more expeditious form of United States mail or a similar commercial package delivery service;
Service shall be complete at the time of personal service upon deposit in the mail or with a commercial package delivery service of a properly addressed document for which postage or delivery service fees have been prepaid; or upon transmission by fax or e-mail. Where service is effected by mail or a commercial package delivery service (but not by fax or e-mail), the time within which the person served may respond thereto shall be increased by five (5) days. Signed documents that are served by e-mail attachment must be in PDF or other non-alterable form. For the purposes of this Rule, service of any document by the Proceedings Clerk upon the Commission shall be regarded as service by mail.
(c) Designation of person to receive service.
The first document filed in a proceeding by or on behalf of any party shall state on the first page thereof the name and post office address of the person who is authorized to receive service for him of all documents filed in the proceeding. Thereafter, service of documents shall be made upon the person authorized unless service on a different authorized person or on the party himself is ordered by a Judgment Officer, Administrative Law Judge or the Commission, or unless the person authorized is changed by the party upon due notice to all other parties. Parties shall file and serve notification of any changes in the information provided pursuant to this subparagraph as soon as practicable after the change occurs.