
If any provision of this part or its application to any person, act, or practice is held invalid, the remainder of the part or the application of its provisions to any person, act, or practice shall not be affected thereby.

Code of Federal Regulations

Note 1: The Commission expresses no opinion as to the legality of any practice mentioned in this part. A provision for disclosure should not be construed as condonation or approval with respect to the matter required to be disclosed, nor as an indication of the Commission's intention not to enforce any applicable statute.

Code of Federal Regulations

Note 2: By taking action in this area, the Federal Trade Commission does not intend to annul, alter, affect, or exempt any person subject to the provisions of this part from complying with the laws or regulations of any State, municipality, or other local government with respect to business opportunity practices, except to the extent that those laws or regulations are inconsistent with any provision of this part, and then only to the extent of the inconsistency. For the purposes of this part, a law or regulation of any State, municipality, or other local government is not inconsistent with this part if the protection such law or regulation affords any prospective business opportunity purchaser is equal to or greater than that provided by this part. Examples of provisions that provide protection equal to or greater than that provided by this part include laws or regulations which require more complete record keeping by the business opportunity seller or the disclosure of more complete information to the business opportunity purchaser.
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Code of Federal Regulations

Note 3: [As per § 437.1(a)(24) of this part]:
Pursuant to 16 CFR 437.1 et seq., a Trade Regulation Rule of the Federal Trade Commission regarding Disclosure Requirements and Prohibitions Concerning Business Opportunities, the following information is set forth on [name of business opportunity seller] for your examination:
1. Identifying information as to the business opportunity seller;
2. Business experience of the business opportunity seller's directors and executive officers.
3. Business experience of the business opportunity seller.
4. Litigation history.
5. Bankruptcy history.
6. Description of business opportunity.
7. Initial funds required to be paid by a business opportunity purchaser.
8. Recurring funds required to be paid by a business opportunity purchaser.
9. Affiliated persons the business opportunity purchaser is required or advised to do business with by the business opportunity seller.
10. Obligations to purchase.
11. Revenues received by the business opportunity seller in consideration of purchases by a business opportunity purchaser.
12. Financing arrangements.
13. Restriction on sales.
14. Person participation required of the business opportunity purchaser in the operation of the business opportunity.
15. Termination, cancellation, and renewal of the business opportunity.
16. Statistical information concerning the number of business opportunity purchasers (and company-owned outlets).
17. Site selection.
18. Training programs.
19. Public figure involvement in the business opportunity.
20. Financial information concerning the business opportunity seller.