303.17—Use of fiber trademarks and generic names on labels.

(a) A non-deceptive fiber trademark may be used on a label in conjunction with the generic name of the fiber to which it relates. Where such a trademark is placed on a label in conjunction with the required information, the generic name of the fiber must appear in immediate conjunction therewith, and such trademark and generic name must appear in type or lettering of equal size and conspicuousness.
(b) Where a generic name or a fiber trademark is used on any label, whether required or non-required, a full and complete fiber content disclosure shall be made in accordance with the Act and regulations the first time the generic name or fiber trademark appears on the label.
(c) If a fiber trademark is not used in the required information, but is used elsewhere on the label as non-required information, the generic name of the fiber shall accompany the fiber trademark in legible and conspicuous type or lettering the first time the trademark is used.
(d) No fiber trademark or generic name shall be used in non-required information on a label in such a manner as to be false, deceptive, or misleading as to fiber content, or to indicate directly or indirectly that a textile fiber product is composed wholly or in part of a particular fiber, when such is not the case.