1203.41—Recordkeeping requirements.
(a) General.
Every person issuing certificates of compliance for bicycle helmets subject to the standard in subpart A of this part shall maintain records which show that the certificates are based on a reasonable testing program. The records shall be maintained for a period of at least 3 years from the date of certification of the last bicycle helmet in each production lot. These records shall be available, upon request, to any designated officer or employee of the Commission, in accordance with section 16(b) of the CPSA, 15 U.S.C. 2065(b). If the records are not physically available during the inspection because they are maintained at another location, the firm must provide them to the staff within 48 hours.
(b) Records of helmet tests.
Complete test records shall be maintained. These records shall contain the following information.
A detailed description of the tests, including the helmet positioning index (HPI) used to define the proper position of the helmet on the headform;
The environmental condition under which each helmet was tested, the duration of the helmet's conditioning, the temperatures in each conditioning environment, and the relative humidity and temperature of the laboratory;
Performance impact results, stating the precise location of impact, type of anvil used, velocity prior to impact, and maximum acceleration measured in g's;
(c) Format for records.
The records required to be maintained by this section may be in any appropriate form or format that clearly provides the required information. Certification test results may be kept on paper, microfiche, computer disk, or other retrievable media. Where records are kept on computer disk or other retrievable media, the records shall be made available to the Commission on paper copies, or via electronic mail in the same format as paper copies, upon request.