922.23—Coordination with States and other Federal agencies.

(a) The Secretary shall consult and cooperate with affected States throughout the National Marine Sanctuary designation process. In particular the Secretary shall:
(1) Consult with the relevant State officials prior to selecting any site on the SEL as an Active Candidate pursuant to § 922.21, especially concerning the relationship of any site to State waters and the consistency of the proposed designation with a federally approved State coastal zone management program. For the purposes of a consistency review by States with federally approved coastal zone management programs, designation of a National Marine Sanctuary is deemed to be a Federal activity, which, if affecting the State's coastal zone, must be undertaken in a manner consistent to the maximum extent practicable with the approved State coastal zone program as provided by section 307(c)(1) of the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended, and implementing regulations at 15 CFR part 930, subpart.
(2) Ensure that relevant State agencies are consulted prior to holding any public hearings pursuant to section 304(a)(3) of the Act.
(3) Provide the Governor(s) of any State(s) in which a proposed Sanctuary would be located an opportunity to certify the designation or any of its terms as unacceptable as specified in section 304(b)(1) of the Act.
(b) The Secretary shall develop proposed regulations relating to activities under the jurisdiction of one or more other Federal agencies in consultation with those agencies.